I am asked regularly what I recommend for different things whether it be books, toys, or makeup (kind of kidding). On this page are a bunch of things that I recommend to my clients.

A couple of important notes about this page:

1) I am an Amazon affiliate, clicking on these products will allow you to buy them through Amazon and I will get a small cut. The price is the same as it would be if you got it from the site.

2) I ONLY recommend things that I have either used or others have used with very positive effect. My recommendations are motivated only by what I think you will enjoy and benefit from.

3) You are under no obligation to buy and whether or not you are my client I will still like you even if you don't buy anything from here.

My oompa loompas are reviewing products for this section, please check back like they vote in Chicago, early and often.


AMH PsychotherapyPLLC


  303-803-4832  : 055-500-3291

I recommend...

Therapy-safe Makeup

